Monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)

The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) – is the only universal legally binding instrument to fight corruption in the world. UNCAC obliges state parties to implement effective anti-corruption mechanisms. The monitoring of the Convention's implementation is based on mutual evaluation by the states parties. It involves each state being reviewed by two other states. The process is divided into two five-year cycles. During the first cycle, the implementation of the provisions of Chapters III and IV is evaluated, and during the second cycle, Chapters II and V are evaluated.
Project goal:
Our organization is responsible for preparing a parallel report on Ukraine's implementation of the provisions of Chapters II and V of the UNCAC. The Institute of Legislative Ideas is a member of the UNCAC Coalition, a community of more than 300 civil society organizations that work together to implement the provisions of the Convention in national legislation around the world.
Directions of activity:
1. We analyze the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with Ukraine's international obligations in the field of anti-corruption (UNCAC) (Sections 2 and 5).
IWI experts prepared a Civil Society Report on the implementation of UNCAC Titles II (Prevention) and V (Asset Recovery). In preparing the Report, we conducted 40 interviews with various experts and specialized civil society organizations, surveyed 100 stakeholders, analyzed dozens of legal acts and analytical studies.
2. We inform Ukraine's international partners about the fulfillment of international obligations by the state.
The Institute of Legislative Ideas co-organized, together with the NACP and other stakeholders, a Side-event at the 10th session of the Conference of the States Parties to the UNCAC, which took place in Atlanta, USA, in December 2023. The Head of the IWI, Tetiana Khutor, presented the Executive Summary of our Report and the monitoring platform.
In addition, IWI experts participate in various events dedicated to the implementation of the UNCAC provisions, where they inform international partners about the current state and problems of the Convention implementation.
3. We maintain an online platform with coverage of all monitoring results (including the state self-assessment).
For online access to the report results, its regular updating, as well as to reflect changes in the relevant areas, the IZI has developed an online monitoring platform (