Transparent cultural policy

Transparent cultural policy

Project goal

Ensuring public participation in the reform of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF) and the Ukrainian State Film Agency, as well as enhancing trust in the State Film Agency through analytical support and transparency in communication and advocacy for changes in its activities.

Stages of the project

Phase I ‘Ensuring transparency and institutional sustainability of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF) and increasing trust in its activities’ includes:

  1. Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the UCF's activities and developing proposals for amendments to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation’ (hereinafter - the Law) and UCF regulations;
  2. Providing public monitoring and support to the UCF Supervisory Board in the transparent election of the UCF Executive Director;
  3. Developing a comprehensive draft law based on the conducted analysis;
  4. Carrying out a comprehensive assessment of corruption risks of the UCF's activities based on the analysis and developing amendments to the existing UCF anti-corruption programme.

Stage II ‘Increasing trust in the Ukrainian State Film Agency through analytical support and transparency in communication and advocacy for changes in its activities’ includes:

  1. Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the State Film Agency's management, Board and Public Council, identifying the shortcomings of the existing legislative regulation and its practical implementation in their activities;
  2. Developing a thorough analytical document on the effectiveness of the management, the Council and the Public Council of the State Film Agency, including specific recommendations on practical steps and renewal of legislation regarding their activities.

Indicators of goal achievement

Stage I

  • Public control is ensured and conditions for a transparent competitive selection for the position of the UCF Executive Director are created.
  • Draft amendments to the Law has been developed to regulate: the procedure for the election of the UCF Supervisory Board; powers and legal status of the UCF governing bodies; improvement of the implementation of the main functions of the UCF.
  • The draft amendments to the Law have been registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and conditions for its adoption have been created by engaging all relevant state and non-state stakeholders in its development and conducting information and advocacy campaigns.
  • The UCF Anti-Corruption Programme has been updated to reflect real practical risks rather than formal requirements.

Stage II

  • 'Roadmap’ has been developed on the basis of a parallel report analysing the effectiveness of the State Film Agency, which can be used by the film community for advocacy and communication campaigns to introduce more effective and transparent practices in the State Film Agency. 
  • A communication campaign has been held to heat up the information space for the competition for the position of the Head of the State Film Agency and the replacement of the Council members.
  • A basis has been established for public control over the use of funds provided to the State Film Agency, including through the Ukraine Facility.


Ця платформа створена за підтримки Міжнародного фонду "Відродження", в рамках реалізації проєкту "Забезпечення участі громадськості в реформуванні Українського культурного фонду та Держкіно". Метою цього проєкту є підвищення суспільної довіри до УКФ та Держкіно шляхом забезпечення громадського контролю за прозорістю конкурсу до складу Наглядової ради Фонду та Ради з державної підтримки кінематографії.
