The Ukrainian film community has once again sent an open letter to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the non-transparent actions of the State Film Agency

Despite the fact that the court ruled that the activities of the previous State Film Support Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) were illegal, the State Film Agency has not changed its methods of work: the members of the selection committee for the State Film Support Council were selected behind closed doors, ignoring the film community's demands for an open selection process, such as selection by lottery.

👥 Other problems include an unjustified additional requirement for applicants for the selection of Council members - confirmation of the candidate's activities since the introduction of martial law in Ukraine aimed at supporting the country and promoting it abroad. This requirement significantly narrows the number of candidates.

📃 In an open letter, Ukrainian filmmakers demand the cancellation of the order approving the composition of the competition commission and the termination of the undemocratic competition and call for the involvement of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption to assess the transparency of the competition and provide the necessary recommendations for its improvement.

👆 The Institute of Legislative Ideas continues to help representatives of the film community to ensure proper public control during the competitive selection of the State Film Agency and is developing the necessary legislative changes to improve the transparency and impartiality of the selection procedure for candidates to the competition commission and, subsequently, to the Council.

📢 We urge you to sign the Open Letter!


Transparent cultural policy

Останнє оновлення: 24 March 2025

Project goal: Ensuring public participation in the reform of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (UCF) and the Ukrainian State Film Agency, as well as enhancing trust in the State Film Agency through analytical support and transparency in communication and advocacy for changes in its activities.