Emphasizing the high quality of the draft SAСP, the civil society calls on the government to:

1) to approve the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 as soon as possible (the law requires this to be done by January 10, 2023);

2) prevent dilution of its content in any way (by returning it or through the “work” of the specialized Governmental Committee).

“As a member of the public council and an organization that submitted its proposals to the APP, ILI can confidently state that this document is a high-quality document. We remember well the story of the long-standing adoption of the country's Anti-Corruption Strategy. We must not allow the State Anti-Corruption Program to suffer a similar fate.” - Tetyana Khutor, Head of the Institute of Legislative Ideas and member of the Public Council at the NACP.

According to the experts, further implementation of the anti-corruption strategy will allow to:

1) significantly increase the effectiveness of the overall system of preventing and combating corruption, including by improving the efficiency of the NACP, NABU, SAPO, HACC, and ARMA;

2) minimize corrupt practices in several dozen of the most important areas of public life: political parties, justice, prosecution, police, state regulation of the economy, customs, taxation, public sector, construction, land relations, infrastructure, defense, education, science, social protection, etc;

3) to ensure Ukraine's compliance with key standards and criteria, and thus to provide a realistic opportunity for Ukraine to become a member of the EU, NATO, and the OECD.

The full text of the statement and the list of signatories can be found here.