The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a decision that changes the subordination of the Ukrainian State Film Agency from the Cabinet of Ministers to the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a decision that changes the subordination of the Ukrainian State Film Agency (Ukrainian State Film Agency). From now on, instead of reporting directly to the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications will coordinate the agency's activities. This decision may have a significant impact on the development of Ukrainian cinema, as the Ministry of Culture receives expanded powers in this area. From now on, the Ministry will coordinate and direct the activities of the State Film Agency.

It will have the authority to amend the film legislation for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Previously, the State Film Agency was directly subordinated to the Cabinet of Ministers, and its activities were coordinated by a Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers. Now, with the transfer of the body to the Ministry of Culture, a significant number of changes are expected, including:

  • The Ministry of Culture receives the right and obligation to formulate state policy in cinema.
  • Legislative initiatives in the field of cinema should now be directed to the relevant ministry.
  • The Ministry of Culture will have more indirect influence on the formation of the film project portfolio.

Will this be an impetus for the development of Ukrainian cinema or, on the contrary, will it be a new challenge? The team of the Institute of Legislative Ideas continues to monitor the situation.