Activity of Parliamentary Committees in 2020: Effectiveness and Interaction with Stakeholders

The study reflects the performance assessment of each parliamentary committee based on 27 indicators of legislative, supervisory and organizational functions, based on which 14 parliamentary committees have been established. Based on the average performance indicators in 2020, a typical Ukrainian parliamentary committee has been modeled. To provide specific recommendation for improvement, about three thousand documents have been analyzed. A separate appendix provides performance indicators for each of the 23 parliamentary committees in 2020.

The study of the completeness and depth of the interaction of the Verkhovna Rada committees with stakeholders is based on separate data on the activities of the committees and 576 responses and 51 in-depth interviews obtained during the survey of stakeholder representatives and parliamentary committees.

Based on the data obtained, specific recommendations were provided for representatives of parliamentary committees and stakeholders to help improve their interaction. A separate appendix reflects the indicators of completeness and depth of interaction of the 23 parliamentary committees with stakeholders.