About us

About us

is an independent think tank that works for the adoption of corruption-free, non-discriminatory legislation and its further effective implementation. The Institute was founded on 15 October 2017.

About us

Our values


of each team member


from any political or business structures


of all analytical output


to dialogue and cooperation


to partners and society


of work with optimal resources and maximum results

Our story


The Public Expertise Council was established under the Committee on Preventing and Combating Corruption of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 8th convocation. The Council was composed of 10 best lawyers and highly specialized analysts out of 100 candidates. Each of them passed an open competitive selection. Among the winners of the competition were Tetiana Khutor, Anastasia Petsenchuk, and Taras Ryabchenko, who later became the founders of the ILI.


The ILI team, having two years of experience in conducting anti-corruption expertise of all draft laws registered in the Parliament without exception, decided to continue its activities as an independent think tank.

On October 15, 2017, the Institute of Legislative Ideas was registered as a non-governmental organization.


◽ A pilot project was launched to analyze draft laws before the 2nd reading.

◽ The team launched a new area of activity at the regional level to help develop a methodology for identifying risks in the decision-making process of local authorities. As a result, a memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Kyiv City Council and work was started with the leaders of the Lviv Regulatory Center and representatives of the Lviv City Council's Integrity and Corruption Prevention Sector to review the councils' regulatory acts.

◽During the 2019 presidential campaign, we analyzed the programs of the 2014 presidential candidates and their legislative activities over the next 5 years. Thus, it was possible to demonstrate to the voters the “new-old” promises of the 4 highest-rated politicians - Yulia Tymoshenko, Petro Poroshenko, Yuriy Boyko and Oleksandr Lyashko.

◽In addition, in order to inform voters, a rating of authors (MPs, factions) who submit the most draft laws with corruption-related factors was compiled.

2020 - 2021

For the Institute of Legislative Ideas, 2020-2022 was a period of new vision, new opportunities and results. ILI managed to consolidate its position as a leader in anti-corruption expertise in Ukraine. From now on, the ILI provides anti-corruption expertise not only on draft laws, but also on draft resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions of local governments, and existing legislation. 

In 2020-2021, the ILI managed to achieve more:

■ developed a comprehensive Methodology for conducting anti-corruption expertise of draft laws based on the best Ukrainian and international practices

■ started identifying corruption schemes in the current legislation, which has been confirmed: 90% of the identified corruption risks are being implemented in practice;

■ more than 400 people were trained to conduct anti-corruption expertise, and we developed and launched our own pilot course on comprehensive training in the identification of corruption risks;

■ for the first time in 10 years, prepared a comprehensive public monitoring report on Ukraine's implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption; joined the UNCAC Coalition, an international coalition of anti-corruption organizations that unites 350 organizations from 100 countries. The Head of the Institute was nominated and selected to the Top 20 of the WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award 2021, dedicated to the topic of anti-corruption;

became the first non-governmental organization to participate in the Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption as part of the official delegation from Ukraine. From the main rostrum of the Conference, the Head of the Institute promoted the institution of anti-corruption expertise and new forms of effective interaction between the public and government agencies;

■ conducted a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the Verkhovna Rada Committees and their interaction with stakeholders based on 27 indicators of legislative, control and organizational functions and received about 600 responses from stakeholder surveys 

■ started identifying corruption schemes in the current legislation, which confirmed that: 90% of the identified corruption risks are being implemented in practice; 





Areas of activity

  • Sanctions policy 

(forfeiture of assets, criminalisation of sanctions evasion, management of sanctioned assets)


  • Anti-corruption policy 

(anti-corruption expert review of legislation, strategic assessment of corruption risks, confiscation of unjustified assets, management of seized assets, recovery of illicit assets, monitoring Ukraine's anti-corruption obligations)


  • Reparations to Ukraine

(advocating for the confiscation of Russian assets, taxation of international business operating in Russia, channeling proceeds from sanctions evasion to Ukraine, creating an international compensation mechanism, effective tools for documenting losses)


  • Cultural policy

(developing legislation on cultural heritage, ensuring the effectiveness of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and the State Film Agency)

Our mission

○ we analyse policies, identify problems and find solutions to make citizens (society) feel secure and comfortable in Ukraine.

○ we work to build a country of equal opportunities, democracy and the rule of law. 

During this time:


Analyzed draft laws


Draft laws received comments


With corruption factors


Partners were involved in the analysis
