How has the analytical center of ISI been working for the past 2 years? What challenges and opportunities are before us? What lessons have we learned and what can we advise our partners? Head of ISI Tetyana Khutor shared our experience:
Analytical centers in Ukraine are generators of ideas for changes in state policy based on qualitative analysis. But to be successful, it is necessary not only to provide recommendations to the authorities but also to invest resources in promoting such ideas.
Therefore, ISI is not just a “think tank”, a “think and do tank”
The role of independent intelligence during the war not only does not decrease but, on the contrary, increases. This is evidenced by the number of inquiries from partners and public interest.
First, state bodies are constantly faced with unprecedented challenges and tasks brought on by war. In the case of ISI, these are, in particular, sanctioning and confiscation mechanisms, reconstruction transparency tools, andmanagement of seized and sanctioned property.
In the conditions of war, all these tasks become urgent anddeadlines are postponed not even "to yesterday", but "to the day before yesterday". At the same time, government agencies often lack the resources to deal with all urgent challenges.
This contributes to the state's appeal to think tanks for advice on the analysis of policies and legislation, practices, precedents in Ukraine and abroad, and ways to improve existing legislation and practices.
Partners and areas are different. Sometimes the toxicity of such an interaction can deter. But in this case, it is necessary to weigh whether there is the possibility and readiness of state partners to carry out the necessary changes despite the risks.
There are cases when partners do not understand what a think tank is and how to correctly form a request. Therefore, the requests themselves have to be reformatted, to request additional information, which in war conditions can be closed. And even when we get it, it is not always possible to open it to the public. Such communication remains non-public.
Despite all the features and challenges of working in modern conditions, the role of think tanks continues to grow. ISI continues analytical work for the benefit of society and the state and shares the results with you.
Thank you for inviting Isar Ednannia. The event was dedicated to discussing the challenges and opportunities of think tanks and working with stakeholders during the presentation of the analytical library at the Isar Ednannia Civil Society House. Link to the CII profile in the library - by link.